Request: [ 'amount' => '100.00', 'paymentMethodToken' => 'dh3g78m', 'merchantAccountId' => 'USD2', 'options' => [ 'submitForSettlement' => True ] ] Response: Braintree\Result\Successful Object ( [success] => 1 [_returnObjectNames:Braintree\Result\Successful:private] => Array ( [0] => transaction ) [_attributes:protected] => Array ( ) [transaction] => Braintree\Transaction Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => fh218c17 [status] => settlement_pending [type] => sale [currencyIsoCode] => USD [amount] => 100.00 [amountRequested] => 100.00 [merchantAccountId] => USD2 [subMerchantAccountId] => [masterMerchantAccountId] => [orderId] => [createdAt] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2022-06-24 03:23:41.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [updatedAt] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2022-06-24 03:23:42.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [customer] => Array ( [id] => CUSTID-20220623222011 [firstName] => Crash [lastName] => Override [company] => [email] => [website] => [phone] => 402.456.7890 [fax] => [globalId] => Y3VzdG9tZXJfQ1VTVElELTIwMjIwNjIzMjIyMDEx ) [billing] => Array ( [id] => jg [firstName] => [lastName] => [company] => [streetAddress] => 123 Main Street [extendedAddress] => [locality] => La Vista [region] => NE [postalCode] => 68128 [countryName] => [countryCodeAlpha2] => [countryCodeAlpha3] => [countryCodeNumeric] => ) [refundId] => [refundIds] => Array ( ) [refundedTransactionId] => [partialSettlementTransactionIds] => Array ( ) [authorizedTransactionId] => [settlementBatchId] => [shipping] => Array ( [id] => [firstName] => [lastName] => [company] => [streetAddress] => [extendedAddress] => [locality] => [region] => [postalCode] => [countryName] => [countryCodeAlpha2] => [countryCodeAlpha3] => [countryCodeNumeric] => ) [customFields] => [accountFundingTransaction] => [avsErrorResponseCode] => [avsPostalCodeResponseCode] => A [avsStreetAddressResponseCode] => A [cvvResponseCode] => A [gatewayRejectionReason] => [processorAuthorizationCode] => [processorResponseCode] => 4002 [processorResponseText] => Settlement Pending [additionalProcessorResponse] => [voiceReferralNumber] => [purchaseOrderNumber] => [taxAmount] => [taxExempt] => [scaExemptionRequested] => [processedWithNetworkToken] => [creditCard] => Array ( [token] => dh3g78m [bin] => [last4] => [cardType] => [expirationMonth] => [expirationYear] => [customerLocation] => [cardholderName] => [imageUrl] => [prepaid] => Unknown [healthcare] => Unknown [debit] => Unknown [durbinRegulated] => Unknown [commercial] => Unknown [payroll] => Unknown [issuingBank] => Unknown [countryOfIssuance] => Unknown [productId] => Unknown [globalId] => cGF5bWVudG1ldGhvZF9jY19kaDNnNzht [accountType] => [uniqueNumberIdentifier] => [venmoSdk] => [accountBalance] => ) [usBankAccount] => Braintree\Transaction\UsBankAccountDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [routingNumber] => 011000015 [last4] => 0000 [accountType] => checking [accountHolderName] => Crash Override [bankName] => FEDERAL RESERVE BANK [achMandate] => Array ( [acceptedAt] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2022-06-24 03:20:57.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [text] => By clicking ["Checkout"], I authorize Braintree, a service of PayPal, on behalf of [your business name here] (i) to verify my bank account information using bank information and consumer reports and (ii) to debit my bank account. ) [ownershipType] => personal [verified] => [verifiedBy] => [vaultedInBlue] => 1 [businessName] => [firstName] => Crash [lastName] => Override [token] => dh3g78m [imageUrl] => [globalId] => cGF5bWVudG1ldGhvZF91c2JfZGgzZzc4bQ ) [achMandate] => Braintree\AchMandate Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [acceptedAt] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2022-06-24 03:20:57.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [text] => By clicking ["Checkout"], I authorize Braintree, a service of PayPal, on behalf of [your business name here] (i) to verify my bank account information using bank information and consumer reports and (ii) to debit my bank account. ) ) ) [statusHistory] => Array ( [0] => Braintree\Transaction\StatusDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [timestamp] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2022-06-24 03:23:42.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [status] => authorized [amount] => 100.00 [user] => mcgovernrtBraintreePP [transactionSource] => api ) ) [1] => Braintree\Transaction\StatusDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [timestamp] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2022-06-24 03:23:42.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [status] => submitted_for_settlement [amount] => 100.00 [user] => mcgovernrtBraintreePP [transactionSource] => api ) ) [2] => Braintree\Transaction\StatusDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [timestamp] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2022-06-24 03:23:42.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [status] => settling [amount] => 100.00 [user] => mcgovernrtBraintreePP [transactionSource] => api ) ) [3] => Braintree\Transaction\StatusDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [timestamp] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2022-06-24 03:23:42.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [status] => settlement_pending [amount] => 100.00 [user] => mcgovernrtBraintreePP [transactionSource] => api ) ) ) [planId] => [subscriptionId] => [subscription] => Array ( [billingPeriodEndDate] => [billingPeriodStartDate] => ) [addOns] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( ) [descriptor] => Braintree\Descriptor Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [name] => [phone] => [url] => ) ) [recurring] => [channel] => [serviceFeeAmount] => [escrowStatus] => [disbursementDetails] => Braintree\DisbursementDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [disbursementDate] => [settlementAmount] => [settlementCurrencyIsoCode] => [settlementCurrencyExchangeRate] => [settlementBaseCurrencyExchangeRate] => [fundsHeld] => [success] => ) ) [disputes] => Array ( ) [achReturnResponses] => Array ( ) [authorizationAdjustments] => Array ( ) [paymentInstrumentType] => us_bank_account [processorSettlementResponseCode] => [processorSettlementResponseText] => [networkResponseCode] => [networkResponseText] => [threeDSecureInfo] => [shipsFromPostalCode] => [shippingAmount] => [discountAmount] => [networkTransactionId] => [processorResponseType] => [authorizationExpiresAt] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2022-07-24 03:23:42.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [retryIds] => Array ( ) [retriedTransactionId] => [refundGlobalIds] => Array ( ) [partialSettlementTransactionGlobalIds] => Array ( ) [refundedTransactionGlobalId] => [authorizedTransactionGlobalId] => [globalId] => dHJhbnNhY3Rpb25fZmgyMThjMTc [retryGlobalIds] => Array ( ) [retriedTransactionGlobalId] => [retrievalReferenceNumber] => [installmentCount] => [installments] => Array ( ) [refundedInstallments] => Array ( ) [responseEmvData] => [acquirerReferenceNumber] => [merchantIdentificationNumber] => jvzbbgp9kjyjbsqb [terminalIdentificationNumber] => [merchantName] => [merchantAddress] => Array ( [streetAddress] => [locality] => [region] => [postalCode] => [phone] => ) [pinVerified] => [debitNetwork] => [processingMode] => [paymentReceipt] => Array ( [id] => fh218c17 [globalId] => dHJhbnNhY3Rpb25fZmgyMThjMTc [amount] => 100.00 [currencyIsoCode] => USD [processorResponseCode] => 4002 [processorResponseText] => Settlement Pending [processorAuthorizationCode] => [merchantName] => [merchantAddress] => Array ( [streetAddress] => [locality] => [region] => [postalCode] => [phone] => ) [merchantIdentificationNumber] => jvzbbgp9kjyjbsqb [terminalIdentificationNumber] => [type] => sale [pinVerified] => [processingMode] => [networkIdentificationCode] => ) [creditCardDetails] => Braintree\Transaction\CreditCardDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [token] => dh3g78m [bin] => [last4] => [cardType] => [expirationMonth] => [expirationYear] => [customerLocation] => [cardholderName] => [imageUrl] => [prepaid] => Unknown [healthcare] => Unknown [debit] => Unknown [durbinRegulated] => Unknown [commercial] => Unknown [payroll] => Unknown [issuingBank] => Unknown [countryOfIssuance] => Unknown [productId] => Unknown [globalId] => cGF5bWVudG1ldGhvZF9jY19kaDNnNzht [accountType] => [uniqueNumberIdentifier] => [venmoSdk] => [accountBalance] => [expirationDate] => / [maskedNumber] => ****** ) ) [customerDetails] => Braintree\Transaction\CustomerDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => CUSTID-20220623222011 [firstName] => Crash [lastName] => Override [company] => [email] => [website] => [phone] => 402.456.7890 [fax] => [globalId] => Y3VzdG9tZXJfQ1VTVElELTIwMjIwNjIzMjIyMDEx ) ) [billingDetails] => Braintree\Transaction\AddressDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => jg [firstName] => [lastName] => [company] => [streetAddress] => 123 Main Street [extendedAddress] => [locality] => La Vista [region] => NE [postalCode] => 68128 [countryName] => [countryCodeAlpha2] => [countryCodeAlpha3] => [countryCodeNumeric] => ) ) [shippingDetails] => Braintree\Transaction\AddressDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => [firstName] => [lastName] => [company] => [streetAddress] => [extendedAddress] => [locality] => [region] => [postalCode] => [countryName] => [countryCodeAlpha2] => [countryCodeAlpha3] => [countryCodeNumeric] => ) ) [subscriptionDetails] => Braintree\Transaction\SubscriptionDetails Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [billingPeriodEndDate] => [billingPeriodStartDate] => ) ) ) ) )